
My name is Stephen. I am currently a Youth Minister in North Carolina, seeking to live my life for Christ and learning the challenges of post-college adulthood. Life is not always easy, nor is growing up, but it is my prayer that through it all Jesus, who is the only desirable thing in me, would be the only thing I desire. I want to live in such a way for others that in the end, there is nothing left  to pour out.

The original intention for this blog was as an outlet for my grief during a time where my whole world fell apart under me with the death of a dear, dear friend. Now it serves as an outlet for the thoughts I think, with content generally about my own personal walk with God, among other things.


“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.”-Psalm 19:4.

7 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Stephen!
    I can’t tell how many followers you have on wordpress, so please forgive me if you’ve been nominated for this before. I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award. If you’d like to accept, just follow the link below.
    Thanks so much for a great blog to read. http://wendysharesathought.com/?p=982

  2. Just found your site and read your recent post…so good…I can relate and it encourages me to press on. I too recently started a blog as a result of losing someone very close to me. May the Lord bless you as you write for Him!

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